
It is a well-established fact that the rich learning experiences during early years support the child academically, behaviourally and emotionally in the formal schooling and in later life. We create rich learning experiences during early years in the different domains of development – Physical, social and emotional, cognitive, language and creative and aesthetics. We run two major programmes under Aalamban:

1. Srijan

2. Katha-Shilp.


Children engage with the process of learning when they learn with meaning and relevance. During early years children need rich learning experiences that are developmentally and contextually relevant and lead to their holistic development. Through Srijan, we create developmentally and contextually appropriate resources for children, teachers, parents and caregivers and can be easily used at home and school.

UT Level Consulation For Anganshala

A bilingual (Hindi & Urdu) home based learning module‘Anganshala’ was created in collaboration with JKASW, supported by UNICEF in consulation with the ECCE experts of J & K. It was circulated amongst 11000 children between the age of 3 - 6 years in Jammu and Kashmir.

Launch of Anganshala

Inauguration of 'Anganshala' by the Director of School Education, Kashmir

UT Level Consultation For Preschool Activity Books

A UT level consultation with the ECCE experts of Jammu and Kashmir was organised to create theme-based activity books for the childern between 3 - 6 years of age to develop their foundational learning skills.


Stories have the ability to capture a variety of shades and meanings of human experiences in this world. They help in organizing our experiences in tales of events. Stories open up a plethora of opportunities of learning, language learning is one them. Others include problem solving, social and emotional learning, logical thinking, sequencing, imagination etc. The most beautiful thing about stories is that it provides a safe and cozy space for learning which involves the whole child and multiple intelligences. We conduct story-telling sessions with children through Katha-Shilp.

A series of online story-telling sessions in collaboration with Miranda House, University of Delhi and SCERT, Jammu.

Gutargoon ( FLy with magic of stories in the month of July! )

A series of online story-telling sessions in collaboration with the Directorate of School Education, Jammu.